
International Cuisine

Lemon Cake

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Kue Lemon yang lezat, tepat untuk disajikan untuk keluarga di saat minum teh atau disaat santai bersama. Lemon cake is delicious, presented for the right to a family in the tea or the relaxed togetherSource: Tabloid Aura

Kategori Masakan : Kue Category Cuisine: Bakery

Disajikan Untuk : 7 Orang To Served: 7 People

Bahan-Bahan : Materials:
200 gram mentega - cairkan grams of butter - Dilute
6 butir kuning telur yellow grain
150 gram tepung gula (gula halus) flour grams of sugar (refined sugar)
200 gram tepung terigu, ayak grams of wheat flour, sieve
1 sendok makan rhum tablespoons rhum
1 sendok makan essens lemon essens tablespoon lemon
1/2 1 / 2 sendok makan baking powder tablespoon Baking powder
5 buah cherry merah red cherry fruit

Cara Mengolah : How to prepare:

1. Kocok kuning telur, mentega cair dan tepung gula sampai mengembang. Shake the yellow eggs, butter and flour-sugar liquid to expand.
2. Campurkan tepung terigu sedikit demi sedikit. Mix wheat flour gradually.
3. Kocok terus dan campurkan rhum, essens lemon dan baking powder. Mix and shake continuously rhum, lemon and essens Baking powder.
4. Aduk rata dan diamkan selama 30 menit. And the average mixed Leave for 30 minutes.
5. Tuang ke loyang dan panggang dalam oven. Cast into trays and roast in the oven.
6. Setelah matang, hias dengan irisan cherry merah. Once cooked, decorated with sliced cherry red.