
International Cuisine

Nasi Goreng Oriental

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Fry the rice with a characteristic cuisine india, serve in the match for the family dinner

Source: Magazines'm a little

Category Cuisine: Asian Cuisine

Estimated Time: 0.5 hours

Served To: 4 people

4 cup white rice
100 grams fish to field
100 grams Carrot, cut into long thin
50 grams Peanut pod
2 eggs eggs, fried Switzerland insomnia
3 cloves Garlic
½ cm ginger, finely sliced
1 tbsp sesame oil

How to prepare:

1.Panaskan oil, stir fry garlic and ginger until fragrant.
2.Masukan carrot, pea, and anchovy, stir-fry for 2 minutes.
3.Masukan rice, stir well with the average high heat for 3 minutes
4.Masukan flavor broth, sesame oil, eggs and Switzerland insomnia.
5.Aduk average and serve warm.