
International Cuisine

Double Chocolate Cake

Monday, November 10, 2008

Double Chocolate Cake

Binggung menyiapkan sarapan pagi atau bekal untuk anak ? Binggung prepare breakfast, or supplies for the children? mungkin resep ini bisa Anda coba. This may be a prescription you can try.Source: Dining Magazine

Kategori Masakan : Kue Category Cuisine: Bakery

Perkiraan Waktu Pembuatan : 30 menit Estimated Time: 30 minutes

Disajikan Untuk : 6 Orang Served To: 6

Bahan-Bahan : Materials:
7 butir telur (500 g), pisahkan kuning dan putihnya eggs (500 g), separate yellow and white
250 gram gula pasir halus grams of sugar-fine sand
165 gram tepung terigu, ayak grams of wheat flour, sieve
1 sendok teh baking powder teaspoon Baking powder
50 gram cokelat bubuk grams of cocoa powder
180 ml air panas ml hot water
1/2 1 / 2 sendok makan kopi instan bubuk tablespoon instant coffee powder
125 ml minyak goreng ml oil
1/2 1 / 2 sendok teh garam teaspoon salt
Hershey's White Chips Hershey's White Chips

Cara Mengolah : How to prepare:

1. Panaskan oven hingga 180C. Heat oven to 180C.
2. Kocok kuning telur dan gula pasir sampai kental. Shake the yellow eggs and sugar until thick.
3. Masukkan tepung terigu dan baking powder dalam 3 tahapan, aduk dengan sendok kayu sampai rata. Enter the wheat flour and Baking powder in 3 stages, mixed with wooden spoon until smooth.
4. Campur cokelat bubuk, air panas, dan kopi instant. Toss cocoa powder, hot water and instant coffee.
5. Masak dan aduk sampai kental, angkat. Cook and stir well until thick, lift.
6. Masukkan adonan coklat panas ke dalam kunung telur, aduk dengan whisk. Enter the dough into the hot chocolate kunung eggs, stir well with whisk.
7. Masukkan minyak goreng, Aduk rata. Enter the frying oil, mixed flat.
8. Kocok putih telur sampai kaku. Shake egg white until stiff.
9. Masukkan secara bertahap ke dalam adonan kuning telur, aduk rata. Enter gradually into the yellow dough, mixed flat.
10. Tuang ke dalam loyang persegi (24 cm) tanpa diolesi minyak. Cast into the brass-square (24 cm), smeared with oil.
11. Panggang selama 40 menit. Roast for 40 minutes.
12. Setelah dingin, taburkan Hersey's White Chips diatasnya. After the cold, taburkan Hersey's White Chips over.